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Diagnóstico de la infección de la vejiga – adultos

Patients  Health Professionals  infección a las vías urinarias  IVU  Urologic Diseases  Urinary Tract Infection  infección de vejiga  diagnosticó de una infección  encontrando la causa de una IVU  ultrasonido  pruebas de imagines  tomografías computarizadas  examen de orina  cultivo de orina  análisis de orina 

Aprende como médicos diagnostican causes de infecciones de la vejiga usando historia clínica y antecedentes familiares, un examen físico y examen diagnóstico.

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Traveling with Diabetes

travel  Diabetes Mellitus  health industry 

Dr. Rodgers provides tips to help people with diabetes be prepared for trips.

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Are You at Risk for Kidney Disease?

test  Risk Factors  Kidney Disease  National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases  NIDDK  National Institutes of Health  Dr. Griffin Rodgers  health moments 

In this episode of Healthy Moments, Dr. Griffin Rodgers, director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, explains why people with risk factors for kidney disease should get tested for the disease.

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What is Lupus and Who Gets It?

viruses  germs  immune system  lupus  tissues  autoimmune disorders  healthy tissues 

Dr. Stephen Katz joins Dr. Rodgers to tell listeners about lupus and the signs of lupus.

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Proximal Neuropathy

diabetes  patients  health professionals  Proximal neuropathy  diabetic amyotrophy  Bruns-Garland syndrome  diabetic lumbosacral plexopathy  diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexus neuropathy  Diabetic Neuropathies 

Overview of proximal neuropathy—a rare type of nerve damage in your hip, buttock, or thigh that typically starts on one side and may rarely spread to the other.

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Eating, Diet, & Nutrition for Cirrhosis

patients  Liver Disease  Foodborne Illnesses  health professionals  Cirrhosis  liver disease diet  cirrhosis diet  cirrhosis dietary supplements  cirrhosis nutrition  cirrhosis malnutrition  cirrhosis dietary recommendations 

Overview of the importance of a healthy, well-balanced diet if you have cirrhosis. Learn about foods and drinks to avoid, such as shellfish and alcohol.

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