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Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis - Treatment

Treatments for hypersensitivity pneumonitis usually include avoidance strategies and medicines such as corticosteroids or immunosuppressive that reduce inflammation. Other supportive therapies include oxygen therapy, bronchodilators, or opioids. Occasionally, lung transplants are used to treat severe chronic disease in some patients.

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Mantener un peso saludable

Por lo general, se considera que un adulto tiene un peso saludable cuando su índice de masa corporal (IMC) está entre 18.5 y 24.9. Aprenda sobre los riesgos para la salud que tienen el sobrepeso y la obesidad y sobre los beneficios de mantener un peso saludable.

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Screening and Prevention of Overweight and Obesity

To screen for overweight and obesity, your doctor will calculate your body mass index (BMI) to check if you or your child are a healthy weight. Your doctor may recommend healthy lifestyle changes, such as healthy eating and physical activity, to prevent overweight and obesity.

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¿Cuáles son los signos y síntomas de la enfermedad de células falciformes?

Trastorno falciforme por hemoglobina S  Hemoglobina SS  Hemoglobina SC  Hemoglobina S?0 talasemia  Hemoglobina SD  Hemoglobina SE  Anemia de células falciformes  Anemia drepanocítica  Enfermedad por Hb S  Enfermedad por hemoglobina S  Enfermedad por hemoglobina SS  Enfermedades de células falciformes 

Los signos y síntomas de la enfermedad de células falciformes pueden variar de persona a persona y pueden cambiar a través del tiempo. Los primeros síntomas incluyen hinchazón de las manos y los pies, cansancio y malestar general, color amarillento en la piel y en la parte blanca de los ojos. La mayoría de los síntomas son relacionados con complicaciones de la enfermedad incluyendo crisis agudas de dolor (crisis vasooclusivas); dolor crónico, anemia severa debido a crisis de secuestro del bazo o crisis aplásicas, infecciones, síndrome torácico agudo o derrame cerebral.

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Venous Thromboembolism - Causes

VTE occurs in the veins that carry blood to your heart. Blood clots can develop in veins damaged by surgery or trauma, or a result of inflammation in response to an infection or injury.

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Venous Thromboembolism - Risk Factors

Risk factors for VTE include a history of a previous VTE event; surgery; medical conditions such as cancer or spinal cord injury; pregnancy; paralysis or long periods of immobilization; specific genes; and certain circumstances related to age, race, and sex. In most cases of VTE, there is more than one risk factor involved. The more risk factors you have, the greater the chance you have of developing VTE.

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Sarcoidosis - Diagnosis

inflammation  sarcoidosis  granuloma 

Your doctor will diagnose sarcoidosis based on your symptoms, a physical exam, imaging tests, or a biopsy of an affected organ. The doctor will also do tests to rule out other diseases that have similar signs and symptoms.

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High Blood Cholesterol: Screening and Prevention


Your doctors will order routine lipid panel blood tests to screen for high blood cholesterol. Learn about heart-healthy lifestyle changes that your doctor may recommend to help you prevent high blood cholesterol.

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Conduction Disorders - Diagnosis

To diagnose a conduction disorder, your doctor will ask about your medical history, any signs and symptoms, and your family’s medical history, and he or she will perform a physical exam. Your doctor may also recommend tests to look at your heart’s electrical activity and structure and to determine if you have genetic changes that may signal a conduction disorder.

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Conduction Disorders

If you are diagnosed with a conduction disorder, your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes, medicines, surgery, or another procedure to treat your condition. Conduction disorders can be a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment in a hospital emergency department.

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