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Anemia of Inflammation or Chronic Disease

cancer  patients  inflammation  anemia  red blood cells  aging  Blood test  chronic kidney disease  hemoglobin  iron  CKD  Erythropoietin  autoimmune disease  ACD  EPO  IBD  erythropoiesis-stimulating agents  ESA  Blood Diseases 

Overview of anemia of inflammation, also called anemia of chronic disease, a type of anemia that affects people who have conditions that cause inflammation.

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Chronic Kidney Disease Tests & Diagnosis

diabetes  patients  heart disease  high blood pressure  Kidney Disease  chronic kidney disease  general public  kidney failure  CKD  family history of kidney failure  Creatinine  dipstick test  Glomerular Filtration Rate  CKD diagnosis  UACR  urine albumin  CKD testing  GFR 

Overview of the tests used to diagnose kidney disease, including the blood and urine tests for glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and urine albumin.

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Preventing Chronic Kidney Disease

diabetes  patients  high blood pressure  Kidney Disease  chronic kidney disease  general public  CKD  family history of kidney failure  CKD risk factors  preventing CKD  CKD prevention  CKD and heart disease 

Overview of chronic kidney disease (CKD) prevention, including risk factors and steps to keep kidneys healthy, like preventing high blood pressure and diabetes.

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Managing Chronic Kidney Disease

patients  Kidney Disease  chronic kidney disease  general public  CKD  CKD medicines  CKD diet  CKD management  CKD health care team  CKD monitoring  managing CKD 

Overview of chronic kidney disease (CKD) management, including types of medicines to take, healthy habits to adopt, and a description of your health care team.

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Eating Right for Chronic Kidney Disease

eating  sodium  patients  nutrition  diet  Protein  Kidney Disease  potassium  chronic kidney disease  general public  CKD  Diet Nutrition  Phosphorus  CKD medicines  CKD diet  renal dietitian  CKD management 

Advice about what to eat and drink to slow chronic kidney disease (CKD), including suggestions to work with a dietitian to create and change meal plans.

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Causes of Chronic Kidney Disease

diabetes  patients  high blood pressure  Blood Glucose  Kidney Disease  Polycystic Kidney Disease  chronic kidney disease  general public  blood sugar  CKD  Acute Kidney Injury  AKI  Glomerular Disease  PKD  CKD causes 

Overview of the main causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD), including diabetes and high blood pressure, glomerular diseases, and polycystic kidney disease.

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What Is Chronic Kidney Disease?

patients  Kidney Disease  chronic kidney disease  general public  kidney failure  CKD  family history of kidney failure  CKD definition  CKD incidence  CKD prevalence  CKD symptoms  acute kidney infection  AKI  advanced CKD 

Overview of chronic kidney disease (CKD), a progressive disease that can damage the kidneys. Kidney disease may get worse over time and lead to kidney failure.

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Diabetic Kidney Disease

diabetes  patients  hypertension  complications  high blood pressure  Blood Glucose  Kidney Disease  general public  kidney failure  CKD  healthy habits  nephropathy  diabetic kidney disease  DKD  kidney health  lifestyle changes 

Learn about diabetic kidney disease (DKD), who is at risk, how to keep your kidneys healthy, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and what to do if you have DKD.

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Putting the Brakes on Diabetes Complications | CDC Features

diabetes  smoking  stroke  heart disease  high blood pressure  Kidney Disease  CDC Features  gestational diabetes  type 2  CKD  type 1  healthy lifestyle  A1C  retinopathy  neuropathy  eye disease  manage ABCs  prevent complications 

Encouraging news: People with diabetes are living longer, healthier lives with fewer complications. What’s the driving force? Greater awareness and better control of risk factors are moving the needle.

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Chronic Kidney Disease Issue Brief

research  diabetes  chronic  CDC  projects  kidney  initiatives  about  CKD  demonstration  about us 

CDC’s Chronic Kidney Disease Initiative was congressionally mandated to build capacity and infrastructure for a public health approach to CKD.

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