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Anemia of Inflammation or Chronic Disease

cancer  patients  inflammation  anemia  red blood cells  aging  Blood test  chronic kidney disease  hemoglobin  iron  CKD  Erythropoietin  autoimmune disease  ACD  EPO  IBD  erythropoiesis-stimulating agents  ESA  Blood Diseases 

Overview of anemia of inflammation, also called anemia of chronic disease, a type of anemia that affects people who have conditions that cause inflammation.

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Aplastic Anemia

blood  anemia  red blood cells  White Blood Cells  blood disorders  platelets  bone marrow 

Aplastic anemia occurs because of damage to stem cells inside bone marrow, which is the sponge-like tissue within your bones. Many diseases and conditions can damage the stem cells in bone marrow. As a result, the bone marrow makes fewer red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

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Iron-deficiency anemia

anemia  red blood cells  iron  iron-deficiency anemia 

Learn about iron-deficiency anemia from the Office on Women’s Health.

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Hierro: Hoja informativa para consumidores

nutrition  anemia  red blood cells  dietary supplement  fact sheet  hemoglobin  iron  Ferritin  multivitamin  nutrient  Iron Deficiency  consumer  suplementos dieteticos  minerales  nutrientes  nutricion  vitaminas  hoja informativa  consumidor  mineral 

Aprender lo que es el hierro y lo que hace en el cuerpo, cuales alimentos son fuentes de hierro, y de los suplementos de hierro.

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Iron: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

nutrition  anemia  red blood cells  dietary supplement  fact sheet  hemoglobin  iron  Ferritin  multivitamin  nutrient  Iron Deficiency  health professional  mineral  heme  myoglobin 

Recommended intakes and sources of iron, effects of deficiency and excess, groups at risk of inadequacy, and interactions with medications.

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Iron: Fact Sheet for Consumers

vitamin  nutrition  anemia  red blood cells  dietary supplement  fact sheet  hemoglobin  iron  multivitamin  nutrient  consumer  mineral  heme 

Find out what iron is and what it does in your body, what foods provide it, and about iron supplements.

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Antigenic Characterization of Influenza Viruses

flu  vaccine  influenza  surveillance  red blood cells  antibodies  vaccine strain selection  antigenic characterization  HI test  HI assay  hemagglutinin inhibition 

How CDC uses antigenic characterization as part of global flu surveillance and to select viruses for use in the seasonal flu vaccine.

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Avoiding Anemia - Boost Your Red Blood Cells

anemia  red blood cells 

If you’re feeling constantly exhausted and sluggish, you might have a condition called anemia. Anemia is a common blood disorder that many people develop at some point in their lives.

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