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Financial abuse

abuse  physical abuse  sexual assault  Women’s health  elder abuse  financial abuse  abusive relationships 

Learn how to protect yourself from financial abuse and steps you can take toward recovery.

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Am I being abused?

abuse  domestic violence  emotional abuse  physical abuse  Women’s health  unhealthy relationship  sexual abuse  verbal abuse 

Learn how to recognize the signs of abuse.

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Dating violence and abuse

violence  abuse  emotional abuse  dating violence  rape  physical abuse  sexual assault  Women’s health  dating abuse  verbal abuse  digital abuse 

Learn the signs of dating violence and abuse and how to get help.

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How to help a friend who is being abused

support  anxiety  depression  abuse  domestic violence  Women’s health  safety plan  welfare check 

Learn what to say and do, and what not to say and do, to help a friend who is being abused.

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Leaving an abusive relationship

abuse  counseling  Intimate Partner Violence  domestic violence  abusive relationship  Women’s health  support groups  violent relationship  safety plan  Restraining order  unsafe relationship  leaving an abusive relationship  women’s shelter 

No one should feel unsafe. If you’re thinking of leaving an abusive relationship, a safety plan can help.

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Effects of domestic violence on children

children  abuse  trauma  mental health  domestic violence  emotional abuse  Women’s health  cognitive behavioral therapy  cbt  verbal abuse  domestic violence support person  safety plan 

Domestic violence can have long-term effects on children. Learn tips from the Office on Women’s Health about what you can do to protect your child.

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Post-traumatic stress disorder

anxiety  depression  abuse  medicine  trauma  mental health  post-traumatic stress disorder  accident  antidepressants  veterans  PTSD  sexual assault  Women’s health  natural disaster  traumatic events  physical assault  war  nightmares  flashbacks  violent crimes 

Learn about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including its symptoms, risks, and treatments.

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cancer  exercise  therapy  depression  obesity  suicide  abuse  stress  medicine  heart disease  women's health  trauma  mental health  menopause  sexual assault  Postpartum depression  Mental Illness  perimenopause  hormones  menstrual cycle 

Learn about how depression is diagnosed, treated, and affects other aspects of your life, from the Office on Women’s Health.

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Get help now

support  help  depression  suicide  abuse  distress  women's health  trauma  mental health  child abuse  domestic violence  sexual assault  Women’s health  Postpartum depression  eating disorders  abuse survivors  trauma survivors  crisis  bipolar disorder  eating disorder 

Find resources from the Office on Women’s Health to help you find support, guidance, and help if you are concerned about your mental health or the mental health of someone you love.

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