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More Americans Got Seasonal Flu Vaccination in 2009-10 than in Previous Years

immunization  americans  2009  flu season  seasonal flu vaccination 

More Americans Got Seasonal Flu Vaccination in 2009-10 than in Previous Years - CDC

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CDC Features - Get the Facts on Diabetes | CDC Features

diabetes  americans  CDC Features  insulin  prediabetes  diabetes prevention  prevent type 2 diabetes  learn about diabetes  diabetes statistics 

More than 29 million Americans have diabetes; 1 in 4 doesn’t know.

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Americans Are Walking More to Improve Their Health | CDC Features

health  exercise  features  CDC  americans  improve  their  walking  physical activity  CDC Features  fitness  physical fitness  benefits of walking  national physical fitness and sports month 

Improve your health by increasing your physical activity. Start with walking more as part of your daily routine

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Announcements: Older Americans Month - May 2014

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Each May, the nation celebrates Older Americans Month to recognize older persons for their contributions and provide information to help them stay healthy and active. This year's focus is injury prevention, with the theme "Safe Today. Healthy Tomorrow.

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The Surprising Truth About Prediabetes | CDC Features

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Prevent or delay type 2 diabetes by learning your risk factors, eating right, becoming more physically active, losing a modest amount of weight, and managing stress. You can make a healthy change today.

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