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Preventing Chronic Disease | Sodium, Saturated Fat, andTrans Fat Content Per 1,000 Kilocalories: Temporal Trends inFast-Food Restaurants, United States, 2000-2013 - CDC

CDC  sodium  nutrition  diet  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  trans fat  saturated fat  dietary recommendations  fast-food restaurant  reformulation 

Intakes of sodium, saturated fat, and trans fat remain high despite recommendations to limit these nutrients for cardiometabolic risk reduction. A major contributor to intake of these nutrients is foods prepared outside the home, particularly from fast-food restaurants.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Temporal Trends in Fast-FoodRestaurant Energy, Sodium, Saturated Fat, and Trans Fat Content,United States, 1996-2013 - CDC

CDC  sodium  nutrition  diet  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  trans fat  saturated fat  fast-food  energy balance  dietary recommendations 

Excess intakes of energy, sodium, saturated fat, and trans fat are associated with increased risk for cardiometabolic syndrome. Trends in fast-food restaurant portion sizes can inform policy decisions. We examined the variability of popular food items in 3 fast-food restaurants in the United States by portion size during the past 18 years.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Considering Trends in Sodium,Trans Fat, and Saturated Fat as Key Metrics of Cardiometobolic RiskReduction - CDC

CDC  sodium  obesity  cardiovascular disease  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  trans fat  saturated fat  cardiometabolism 

The 2 articles by Urban and colleagues published this week in Preventing Chronic Disease report 15-year trends in sodium, trans fat, and saturated fat, 3 food components associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease and obesity, in frequently ordered meal items (French fries, cheeseburgers, grilled chicken sandwiches, and regular cola) from leading US national fast food chain restaurants.

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