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Vitamin C: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

cancer  vitamin  cold  dietary supplement  common cold  cancer prevention  antioxidant  ascorbic acid  cardiovascular disease  AMD  cataracts  age-related macular degeneration  supplement  interactions  L-ascorbic acid  free radical  scurvy 

Find out what vitamin C is and what it does in your body, what foods provide it, and about vitamin C supplements.

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12 Ways to Have a Healthy Holiday Season | CDC Features

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Take steps to keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy.

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When Working in the Cold, Be Prepared and Be Aware | CDC Features

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Some cold weather dangers are obvious, but others are harder to see. When you must work in the cold, always be prepared and be aware.

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Global Handwashing Day | CDC Features

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Celebrate Global Handwashing Day to promote handwashing with soap throughout the world.

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Antibiotics Aren't Always the Answer: Chart | CDC Features

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Antibiotics do not fight infections caused by viruses like colds, most sore throats and bronchitis, and some ear infections. Unneeded antibiotics may lead to future antibiotic-resistant infections. Symptom relief might be the best treatment option.

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Flu Information for Parents with Young Children

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Flu Information for Parents with Young Children - CDC

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Cold Versus Flu

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Cold versus flu: Because colds and flu share many symptoms, it can be difficult to tell them apart. Learn the differences between colds and flu - CDC

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Cold, Flu, or Allergy? - Cold, Flu, or Allergy? Know the Difference for Best Treatment

flu  influenza  cold  allergy 

You’re feeling pretty lousy. You’ve got sniffles, sneezing, and a sore throat. Is it a cold, flu, or allergies? It can be hard to tell them apart because they share so many symptoms. But understanding the differences will help you choose the best treatment.

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Common Colds: Protect Yourself and Others | CDC Features

prevention  cough  treatment  protect  CDC  antibiotics  infection  common  cold  common cold  headache  CDC Features  runny nose  sore throat  winter cold  respiratory virus  rhinovirus  cold symptoms  sneezing  body ache 

Sore throat and runny nose are usually the first signs of a cold, followed by coughing and sneezing. Most people recover in 7-10 days or so. You can help reduce your risk of getting a cold by washing your hands often and avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.

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