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CDC Activities

zika  zika virus  mosquitoes  avoid mosquito bites  viral disease  Tropical Africa  Aedes  Flaviviridae family 

Information on Zika virus. Provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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zika  zika virus  mosquitoes  avoid mosquito bites  viral disease  Tropical Africa  Aedes  Flaviviridae family 

Information on Zika virus. Provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Wilson Disease

patients  Liver Disease  general public  liver transplant  Cirrhosis  Extra Copper  Wilson Disease  Genetic Disease  Kayser-Fleischer Rings 

Describes the cause, symptoms, and diagnosis of Wilson disease and summarizes treatment options.

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Whipple Disease

bacteria  antibiotics  infection  patients  Digestive Diseases  Small Intestine  Digestive System Disease  Joint Pain  Neurological  Bacterial Infection  Whipples Disease  general public  Whipple Disease 

Describes the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of Whipple disease.

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Ulcerative Colitis

digestive system diseases  prevalence  patients  Digestive Diseases  Diagnostic Tests  Drug Therapy  Diet Therapy  Ulcerative Proctitis  Ulcerative Colitis  general public 

Discusses risk factors, symptoms, diagnostic procedures, and complications of ulcerative colitis. Provides treatment options, including medications and surgery.

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Peptic Ulcers (Stomach Ulcers)

facts  symptoms  causes  definition  eating  diagnosis  stomach  diet  Digestive Diseases  Peptic Ulcers  NSAIDs  H pylori  Peptic ulcer disease  Ulcers  peptic  general public  nutrtion  stomach ulcers 

Overview of peptic (stomach) ulcers, including the causes, link to NSAID pain medicines, symptoms, treatments, and foods to avoid.

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