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Pet Food Safety | CDC Features

salmonella  listeria  pet  CDC Features  CAT  Pet food  raw pet food  raw diet  raw pet food diet  dog 

A healthy diet is important for everyone, even your pets! When picking out the right food for your pet, there are important things to consider. Did you know that what you feed your pet can even affect your health and the health of your family?

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Enteric Diseases Laboratory Branch | DFWED

salmonella  listeria  e. coli  foodborne  epidemiology  food safety  healthy water  ecoli  enteric diseases  pulsenet  foodnet  Food Safety Office  outbreak response  waterborne illness  mycotic  lab 

Division of Foodborne, Waterborne, and Environmental Diseases homepage (DFWED). DFWED is part of the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases.

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Solve Foodborne Outbreaks | CDC Features

salmonella  listeria  CDC  outbreak  foodborne disease  detect  food poisoning  E Coli  CDC Features  foodborne illness  food safety  outbreak investigation  foodborne outbreaks  disease detective  enteric infections 

Did you know you can help disease detectives detect and solve foodborne disease outbreaks? Learn some ways you can help protect others from getting sick.

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Raw Pet Food | CDC Features

salmonella  listeria  pet  CDC Features  CAT  Pet food  raw pet food  raw diet  raw pet food diet  dog 

Pet owners have a variety of food choices to give their pets, even raw food. But some germs have been found in raw pet foods that can make pets and people sick, including Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. Learn how to protect your pet and yourself from disease.

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