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BBQ IQ | Food Safety

statistics  CDC  publications  reporting  food safety  NCEZID  food handling  foodborne outbreak surveillance  foodborne outbreaks data 

CDC's outbreak reporting team trains NORS users how to improve the quantity and quality of outbreak reports. Since 2011, they have presented webinars to over 500 people on topics ranging from restaurant-associated outbreaks to reporting guidelines for multistate outbreaks.

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Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Safety: A Summary for Clinicians

flu  adverse events  safety  vaccine  report  influenza  screening  effectiveness  reporting  clinicians  flu vaccine  health care professionals  health care workers  LAIV  efficacy  TIV  dosage  admistration  vaccine safety  contraindications 

CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Influenza Flu - vaccine safety summary provides an overview of the seasonal flu vaccine safety profile including adverse events, contraindications, precautions and administration safety for both LAIV and TIV.

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Tracking and Reporting Foodborne Disease Outbreaks - CDC Features

features  disease  outbreaks  foodborne  CDC  tracking  reporting 

Many outbreaks result from food being contaminated when it is being prepared or served by a food worker with unwashed or improperly washed hands. Scientific evidence shows that preventing illness begins with the basics. Wash your hands thoroughly, with soap, before and after handling food. It can prevent illness and even death.

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QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged ≥18 Years with Hypertension Reporting Treatment* and Control† of Their Condition,§ by Race/Ethnicity — United States, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2011–2012

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* Currently taking medication to lower blood pressure, based on affirmative responses to the following questions: "Because of your high blood pressure/hypertension, have you ever been told to take prescribed medicine?" and "Are you now following this advice to take prescribed medicine?" among those with hypertension.

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