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Eat Healthy Even When You Don’t Have Time to Cook

nutrition  nih  healthy eating  weight control  National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases  NIDDK  National Institutes of Health  Dr. Griffin Rodgers  Healthy Moments 

In this episode of Healthy Moments, Dr. Griffin Rodgers, director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, provides tips to save you time and money as you try to eat healthy.

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Weight Measures: BMI and Waist Circumference

type 2 diabetes  BMI  weight control 

Dr. Rodgers explains how knowing your BMI and waist size may help you understand your risk for health problems.

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Better Health and a Better You

nih  physical activity  weight control  National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases  NIDDK  National Institutes of Health  Dr. Griffin Rodgers  Healthy Moments 

In this episode of Healthy Moments, Dr. Griffin Rodgers, director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, shares how steady changes in physical activity can improve your health.

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Some Myths about Nutrition & Physical Activity

patients  weight loss  healthy eating  Losing Weight  eating right  Healthy Weight  Diet Nutrition  Weight Management  Overweight Obesity  staying active  weight control  maintaining weight  diets  dieting  weight-loss myths  diet myths  weight maintenance  healthy dieting  vegetarian diet  low-fat food 

Separating weight-loss myths from facts can help you make healthy changes in your eating and physical activity habits. Get the facts about healthy weight loss.

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Just Enough for You: About Food Portions

patients  weight loss  Food Labeling  Losing Weight  food portions  Healthy Weight  calories  Portion control  Diet Nutrition  Weight Management  Weight Control Health Living  weight control  maintaining weight  managing weight  serving  food serving  portion 

Controlling food portions can help you manage and maintain your weight. Learn how to choose the right amount of food for you.

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Helping Your Child Who is Overweight

patients  physical activity  healthy eating  BMI  body mass index  Healthy Weight  healthy eating habits  eating healthy  Weight Management  Overweight Obesity  weight control  managing a childs weight  obese child  role model  Helping Your Overweight Child  inactive child  overweight child  being active 

You can do a lot to help your child reach and maintain a healthy weight. Find out how to be active in helping your child learn habits that may improve health.

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Choosing a Safe and Successful Weight-loss Program

patients  obesity  overweight  weight loss  obese  Losing Weight  Healthy Weight  Weight Management  Weight Control Health Living  weight-loss program  weight control  maintaining weight  safe weight loss  effective weight loss 

Find tips for how to choose a safe and successful weight-loss program, including what to look for in a program and what kind of questions to ask.

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