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Don’t Toss the Floss! The Benefits of Daily Cleaning Between Teeth

nih news and health  dental  floss 

You may have seen or heard news stories suggesting that you can forget about flossing, since scientists lack solid evidence that you’ll benefit from cleaning between your teeth with a sturdy string. But many dentists may beg to differ. They’ve seen the teeth and gums of people who floss regularly and those who haven’t. The differences can be striking...

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Healthy Holiday Foods and Fun Make Smart Choices as You Celebrate the Season

nih news and health  Diet and Nutrition  holiday health  healthy holidays  diet and lifestyle resources  holiday season 

Mashed potatoes and gravy, Grandma’s apple pie, and other holiday favorites can be a joyous part of any celebration. But to feel your best, you know you need to eat in moderation and stay active. How can you avoid temptation when delicious foods and calories abound?....

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Understanding Health Risks ~ Improve Your Chances for Good Health

healthy  nih news and health  good health habits  health risks 

Risks are all around us. A nearby sneeze may raise your risk for catching the flu. Obesity boosts the odds you’ll get diabetes. Smoking increases your risk for many cancers. And if you pay attention to news headlines, you may worry that you’re at risk for food poisoning, Zika infection, shark attacks, and more. How can you know which health risks apply to you?

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A Blurry Worldview ~ Understanding Myopia

vision  eyesight  nih news and health  eyes  healthy eyes  Myopia 

As a child in school, did you ever struggle to see what the teacher wrote on the board? Maybe you could easily read from a book, but things farther away—like highway signs—looked blurry. Blurry distant vision is the main symptom of myopia, a condition that affects about a third of American adults.

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Safeguarding Our Health Vaccines Protect Us All

nih news and health  09-10 flu vaccine 

We share more than food and culture within our homes and communities. We can also spread disease. Luckily, we live in a time when vaccines can protect us from many of the most serious illnesses.

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Spotlight on Psoriasis ~ Preventing Patches of Itchy, Sore Skin

skin  psoriasis  Skin Diseases  nih news and health 

You may have heard of psoriasis, but do you know what it is? Psoriasis is a long-term, or chronic, skin disorder that affects more than 6.7 million U.S. adults. Symptoms can vary, but it’s usually recognized by itchy or sore patches of thick, red skin with silvery scales. There’s currently no cure, but treatment often helps...

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What Your Nose Knows ~ Sense of Smell and Your Health

nih news and health  smel  sensory cells 

Your sense of smell enriches your experience of the world around you. Different scents can change your mood, transport you back to a distant memory, and may even help you bond with loved ones...

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Dizziness and Balance Problems in Kids Spinning Sensations and Unsteadiness

balance problems  nih news and health  balance  dizziness 

Most people feel dizzy now and then. Kids, like adults, may occasionally feel lightheaded or unsteady. But if such feelings repeat or interfere with everyday life, it could be a sign of a balance disorder.

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Understanding Anxiety Disorders When Panic, Fear, and Worries Overwhelm

nih news and health  anxiety disorder 

Many of us worry from time to time. We fret over finances, feel anxious about job interviews, or get nervous about social gatherings...

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Focusing on Fibromyalgia - A Puzzling and Painful Condition

nih  fibromyalgia  nih news and health  chronic disease 

You’ve probably heard of fibromyalgia, but you may not know what it is. Fibromyalgia is a long-term (chronic) pain condition that affects 5 million or more Americans ages 18 and older. For unknown reasons, most people diagnosed with fibromyalgia are women, although men and children also can be affected. People with certain disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, may also have fibromyalgia, which can affect their disease course and treatment.

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