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424 Search Results


Reproductive health and mental health

exercise  pregnancy  support  depression  nutrition  medication  sleep  breastfeeding  physical activity  women's health  mental health  menopause  reproductive health  perimenopause  hormones  menstrual cycle  eating disorders  bipolar disorder  mood swings 

Learn ways to help your mental and reproductive health from the Office on Women’s Health.

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Anxiety disorders

anxiety  stress  treatments  benzodiazepines  nausea  genetics  counseling  medicine  physical activity  yoga  meditation  mental health  hot flashes  post-traumatic stress disorder  anxiety disorder  dizziness  PTSD  traumatic events  shortness of breath 

Anxiety disorders affect nearly 1 in 5 adults in the United States. Learn more about anxiety disorders and treatment from the Office on Women’s Health

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Pregnancy loss

pregnancy  support  loss  counseling  miscarriage  Women’s health  pregnancy loss  stillbirth  PCOS  Polycystic ovary syndrome  placenta  fetus  grief counselor 

If you have lost your baby, you know how devastating and painful this loss can be. You might wonder if you'll ever have a baby to hold and call your own. But surviving the emotional impact of pregnancy loss is possible.

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Twins, triplets, and other multiples

pregnancy  babies  Women’s health  Twins  triplets  multiples 

Learn about twins, triplets, and other multiples from the Office on Women’s Health.

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Newborn care and safety

baby  infant  sudden infant death syndrome  sids  newborn  breastfeeding  crib death  Women’s health  infant health  newborn care  newborn health 

Learn steps to get yourself ready for taking care of your newborn from the Office on Women’s Health.

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Features and Fact Sheets

pregnancy  figures  breastfeeding  Infertility  folic acid  endometriosis  birth control methods  depression during pregnancy  emergency contraception 

Find out more about pregnancy and related topics from the Office on Women’s Health.

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Body changes and discomforts

pregnancy  fatigue  sleep problems  Hemorrhoids  Constipation  Heartburn  dizziness  Women’s health  weight gain  itching  swelling  Indigestion  Varicose veins  stretch marks  body aches  breast changes  leg cramps  morning sickness  numb hands  tingling hands 

Many women are surprised by how their body changes during pregnancy. Get the low-down on stretch marks, weight gain, heartburn, and other "joys" of pregnancy. Find out what you can do to feel better.

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Barriers to care for HIV

HIV  AIDS  HIV treatment  Women’s health  HIV medicine  Barriers to care for HIV 

Find resources and ways to access care for women living with HIV and AIDS.

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Lung disease

asthma  COPD  Lung cancer  chronic obstructive pulmonary disease  lung disease  Women’s health 

Lung disease refers to disorders that affect the lungs, the organs that allow us to breathe. Lung disease is a major concern for women.

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Food allergies

eggs  milk  food poisoning  shellfish  irritable bowel syndrome  Lactose Intolerance  food allergies  epinephrine  Women’s health  fish  peanuts  tree nuts  wheat  soybeans  anaphylaxis 

In a food allergy, your immune system reacts to a certain food or ingredient as if it were harmful.

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