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Naegleria fowleri - Sources of Infection - Case-report Data and Graphs

report  meningitis  surveillance  data  encephalitis  MMWR  graph  Naegleria  Naegleria fowleri  Meningoencephalitis  Brain-eating ameba  Brain-eating amoeba  ameba disease  amoeba disease  primary amebic meningoencephalitis  primary amoebic meningoencephalitis  thermophilic ameba  thermophilic amoeba  heat loving ameba  heat loving amoeba 

Graphs and data related to Naegleria fowleri epidemiology. Education and information about the brain eating ameba Naegleria fowleri that causes encephalitis and death including frequently asked questions, biology, sources of infection, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control, and other publications and pertinent information for the public and medical professionals.

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Trends in Foodborne Illness in the United States, 2012 - Line Graph - CDC Features

features  illness  foodborne  states  CDC  trends  graph  line 

Documenting trends—which illnesses are decreasing and increasing—is essential for monitoring our progress in reducing foodborne illness.

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Trends in Foodborne Illness in the United States, 2012 - Bar Graph - CDC Features

features  illness  foodborne  states  CDC  trends  bar  graph 

Documenting trends—which illnesses are decreasing and increasing—is essential for monitoring our progress in reducing foodborne illness.

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FoodCORE: Enhancing foodborne disease outbreak response - Bar Graph | CDC Features

features  disease  listeria  campylobacter  vibrio  e. coli  foodborne  CDC  response  outbreak  foodcore  food poisoning  incidence  enhancing  bar  graph  CDC Features  foodborne illness  foodnet  report card 

Documenting trends—which illnesses are decreasing and increasing—is essential for monitoring our progress in reducing foodborne illness.

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Smoking & Tobacco Use - Tables, Charts, and Graphs

health effects  prevention  youth  industry  chart  charts  statistics  products  tobacco  smokeless  smoking  data  tables  graphs  cessation  publications  graph  stop smoking  secondhand smoke  quit smoking 

Infographis and visulized data(tables, charts, and graphs) on smoking and tobacco Use.

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Trends in Current Cigarette Smoking - Smoking & Tobacco Use

health effects  prevention  youth  industry  chart  statistics  products  tobacco  smokeless  smoking  cigarette  current  data  trends  cessation  publications  graph  stop smoking  secondhand smoke  quit smoking 

*Percentage of high school students who smoked cigarettes on 1 or more of the 30 days preceding the survey. Data first collected in 1991. (Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 1991–2011).

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