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Preventing Falls

health  exercise  falls  age  weight  walking  balance  Strength  stairs  Muscle 

Get ideas on preventing falls as you age. Weight-bearing exercises such as walking or climbing stairs add to muscle strength and improve balance.

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Work Out at Work

health  exercise  work  schedule  break  walking  fit  active  stairs  Coworkers 

Learn ways to fit exercise into your work day. Stay active during your regular schedule by taking walking breaks with coworkers or using the stairs.

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Tips for College Health and Safety | CDC Features

cigarettes  cancer  health  public health  exercise  safety  features  women  tips  school  support  smoke  smoking  vaccines  meningitis  CDC  college  nutrition  alcohol  suicide 

Going to college is an exciting time in a young person’s life. It is a time for gaining new knowledge and experiences, both inside and outside the classroom. Here are a few pointers for college students on staying safe and healthy.

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