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Keep Active and Eat Healthy to Improve Well-being and Feel Great

patients  physical activity  healthy eating  health professionals  fitness  staying healthy  Healthy Weight  strength training  eating healthy  Weight Management  getting active  Weight Control Health Living  getting fit  staying fit  physical activity roadblocks  healthy eating roadblocks  Nutrition Facts label  food label 

Moving more and eating better can help you improve your health and keep up with the demands of your busy life. Find out what you can do to get fit and healthy.

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Changing Your Habits for Better Health

behavior change  patients  physical activity  healthy diet  eating right  stages of change  staying healthy  working out  healthy habits  motivation  healthy foods  Diet Nutrition  getting healthy  Lifestyle change  life habits  health improvement  staying active  getting active  Weight Control Health Living 

Outlines four stages of changing old habits to new healthier ones and offers ways to help improve eating and physical activity habits.

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Celebrate the Beauty of Youth

patients  walking  physical activity  healthy eating  health professionals  fitness  staying healthy  healthy habits  Healthy Weight  Diet Nutrition  eating healthy  Overweight Obesity  Sisters Together  win  exercise youth  weight control information network  weight-control information network  eating healthy young  eating healthy youth  physical activity youth 

Moving more and eating better can help you improve your health and keep up with the demands of your busy life. Find out what you can do to get fit and healthy.

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Stay Healthy | Managing | Diabetes

health  living  diabetes  CDC  healthy  managing  weight  glucose  staying healthy  examinations 

This page provides information on staying healthy with diabetes

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