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Staying healthy and safe

diabetes  pregnancy  smoking  alcohol  women's health  oral health  pelvic floor  Lactose Intolerance  healthy eating  vitamins  healthy pregnancy  food safety  Substance Abuse  weight gain  PKU  minerals  caffeine  calorie needs  vegetarian  fish facts 

Learn tips for staying healthy and safe during pregnancy, including calorie needs and healthy foods for mom and baby from the Office on Women’s Health.

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Urodynamic Testing

symptoms  antibiotics  patients  pelvic floor  Urodynamics  Urologic Diseases  Urine  Ultrasound  Drinking Water  Diagnostic Imaging  Sphincter  Urination  Uroflowmetry  Cystometry  Catheter  Electromyography  general public 

Describes normal bladder function, as well as problems in the urinary system that may require urodynamic testing. Discusses different urodynamic procedures and why they are used.

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Bowel Control Problems (Fecal Incontinence)

digestive system diseases  symptoms  therapy  diagnosis  complications  Digestive Diseases  Rectum  Dietary Fiber  Etiology  Diagnostic Tests  pelvic floor  Risk Factors  Urge Incontinence  Fluids  Meal Planning  general public  muscles  Food Habits  Psychosocial Factors  Fecal Incontinence 

Read about causes, diagnosis, and treatment of bowel control problems including information on diet and nutrition, and fecal incontinence in children.

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