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Making healthier eating choices at home, at the store, and eating out

dairy  fruits  vegetables  grains  oils  healthy eating  Women’s health  healthy eating plan  fats  healthy foods  Proteins 

Confused about what kinds of foods you should be eating for your health? A healthy eating plan can help.

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Healthy eating plan for women

dairy  fruits  vegetables  grains  oils  healthy eating  Women’s health  healthy eating plan  fats  healthy foods  Proteins 

Confused about what kinds of foods you should be eating for your health? A healthy eating plan can help.

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Carbohydrate Counting & Diabetes

diabetes  fruits  vegetables  patients  cholesterol  nutrients  Meal Planning  general public  healthy eating plan  fats  Diet Nutrition  Added Sugars  Whole Grains  Proteins  Starches  Blood Glucose Control  Fiber  Carbohydrate Counting 

Learn about carbohydrate counting, a meal planning tool for people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

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Test Your Produce Safety Savvy | CDC Features

produce  fruits  vegetables  CDC Features  food safety  Quiz 

Do you have the know-how to make good produce safety choices? Take the quiz below to test your knowledge on selecting, storing, and preparing produce.

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Parents' Perceptions and Adherence to Children's Diet and Activity Recommendations: the 2008 Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study

public health  fruits  vegetables  CDC  child  infant  obesity  diet  chronic disease  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Preventing Chronic Disease Journal  National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion  NCCDPHP  television  nutrition policy  fast foods 

Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal established by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. PCD provides an open exchange of information and knowledge among researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and others who strive to improve the health of the public through chronic disease prevention.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Outstanding Student Research: Li et al on Investigating the Placement of Green Carts to Improve Access to Healthful Foods in Food Deserts - CDC

fruits  vegetables  CDC  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Food Desert  green cart  vendors 

Each year since 2011 Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) has issued a special call for student papers for our Student Research Paper Contest. This year PCD received 67 submissions from students throughout the world. We are very excited to recognize Kathleen Li and colleagues as the winners of the 2014 contest for their paper entitled “Evaluation of the Placement of Mobile Fruit and Vegetable Vendors to Alleviate Food Deserts in New York City”

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Objective and Self-Reported Factors Associated With Food-Environment Perceptions and Fruit-And-Vegetable Consumption: A Multilevel Analysis - CDC

fruits  vegetables  CDC  neighborhood  perceptions  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  food environment  urban  Objective measures  Self-reported measures  Multilevel modeling  Supermarket 

Few studies have assessed how people’s perceptions of their neighborhood environment compare with objective measures or how self-reported and objective neighborhood measures relate to consumption of fruits and vegetables.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Determinants of Fruit, Vegetable, and Dairy Consumption in a Sample of Schoolchildren, Northern Serbia, 2012 - CDC

children  fruits  vegetables  CDC  nutrition  determinants  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  dairy products 

Insufficient intake of fresh fruits, vegetables, and dairy products among children is a serious nutrition-related concern. The aim of our study was to determine behavioral and environmental factors that influence fruit, vegetable, and dairy consumption among Serbian schoolchildren.

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Association between the perceived food environment and self-efficacy for fruit and vegetable consumption among US adults, 2007

fruits  vegetables  CDC  diet  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD 

Consumption of diets high in fruits and vegetables is associated with reduced risk of chronic diseases, and self-efficacy and the food environment influence consumption of fruits and vegetables.

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Girlfriends' Health | CDC Features

prevention  health  exercise  safety  features  fruits  vegetables  friends  support  CDC  screenings  infection  nutrition  violence  girlfriends'  diet  physical activity  skin cancer  Exams  CDC Features 

August 1 is National Girlfriends Day. Encourage one another to stay healthy.

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